
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

NaBloPoMo Day XX Planting Seeds

Welcome to NaBloPoMo November 2012!

For the entire month of November I will focus on The Golden Moth Illumination Deck created by the ever so talented Aijung Kim. This is a wonderfully unique and original oracle deck. It's not a traditional Tarot deck but rather an intuitive oracle deck of simple drawings that will knock your socks off. The deck consists of 75 cards, 7 of which are blank and you are encouraged to draw your own cards.

Check out Aijung blog in the featured link on the right side of my blog.


Planting Seeds
I love getting my hands dirty so this card makes me a little giddy. I can spend hours, days even, perusing seed catalogs and planning where the next something will be planted. Seeds are hope. Hope of a new life. A promise of a fragrant garden or yummy summer veggies. Seeds can be for anything and everything. They are as unique as a fingerprint, all different. A great multitude of size, shape and color. All with their own germination needs. The seeds of new beginnings. Seeds of new growth. Seeds for beauty and seeds for nourishment.

Tomorrow is an anniversary, the next day a combined birthday and Thanksgiving. In the next few days our home will be a hub of activity and celebration. This reminds me to be busy planting seeds of love, acceptance, and encouragement. It will be a little difficult. I'll need to get my hands dirty. But in the long run, I'll be planting new life for the future.

What do these seeds represent in your life today?


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